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4 Point Home Inspection Pexels RDNE Stock project

Expert Tips for Succeeding in Your 4 Point Home Inspection

May 09, 20243 min read

Facing a 4-point home inspection can be a pivotal moment for both sellers and buyers in the real estate market. This inspection assesses the four critical systems of a home—roof, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC—ensuring they meet essential safety and insurance standards. Understanding and preparing for this inspection can greatly influence the outcome of real estate transactions.

What is a 4 Point Home Inspection?

A 4-point home inspection focuses on the major systems of a house: the roof, electrical systems, plumbing, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). It evaluates these components for their condition and functionality, crucial for meeting safety and insurance criteria.

Why It's Important

Passing a 4-point home inspection is typically required to secure homeowners insurance or financing. It provides assurance to buyers and insurance firms that the property is devoid of major hazards and in good condition.

General Preparation Tips

To prepare, schedule the inspection at a convenient time and ensure easy access to all inspection areas. Have any relevant documents, like repair receipts or maintenance records, available.

How to Pass Each Point of the Inspection


  • Maintenance: Regularly inspect and clean the roof, removing debris to prevent damage.

  • Repairs: Fix any damage such as cracked shingles or broken tiles. Ensure no standing water on flat roofs.

  • Gutters: Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage.

  • Flashing and Sealants: Check that all flashing is intact and sealed to prevent leaks.

Electrical System:

  • Update Wiring: Replace outdated systems like knob-and-tube wiring to meet current standards.

  • Circuit Maintenance: Label all circuits in your breaker box and ensure easy access.

  • Safety Outlets: Install GFCI outlets in wet areas to prevent electrical shocks.

  • Smoke Detectors: Check that all smoke detectors function properly and are well-placed.


  • Leak Checks: Regularly inspect for leaks around fixtures and appliances.

  • Water Heater: Check the water heater for corrosion and proper functionality.

  • Pipe Insulation: Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing.

  • Efficient Drainage: Ensure all drains are clear and functioning properly.

HVAC System:

  • Regular Service: Have the system professionally serviced annually.

  • Filter Changes: Regularly replace filters to maintain airflow and system efficiency.

  • Thermostat Testing: Ensure the thermostat accurately controls the system.

  • Clear Surroundings: Keep areas around HVAC units free from debris and foliage.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Minor Repairs: Address small issues like leaky faucets or cracked tiles immediately.

  • Old Systems: Have older systems professionally checked and updated as necessary.

  • Electrical Safety: Upgrade any unsafe or outdated electrical components.

  • Roof Maintenance: Maintain the roof in good condition to avoid inspection red flags.

  • DIY Caution: Ensure DIY repairs are properly executed to avoid negative inspection outcomes.

  • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of all repairs and maintenance.

  • Accessibility: Keep your home clutter-free and ensure all systems are easily accessible for inspection.


  • Thoroughly preparing each major system of your home can significantly increase your chances of passing the inspection.

  • Small issues can lead to big problems; address them early to avoid inspection failures.

  • Keep a comprehensive record of all maintenance and repairs to demonstrate to the inspector your home's history of upkeep.

  • Consider consulting with professionals to evaluate your home’s systems before the inspection to ensure everything is up to standard.

By preparing effectively and paying attention to the details of each system, you can navigate a 4-point home inspection successfully, enhancing both the safety and marketability of your home.

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